
class317hzy 2010-06-29
table a:
model id            image id             description          pattern
ex12                     ex12_1                   large                     normal
ex12                      ex12_2                  large                    normal
ex12                       ex12_3                   small                   change
ex13                       ex12_1                   large                     normal
ex13                      ex12_3                 large                    normal

这样的表要怎么样设定FIELD 才能最省时间和最简练呢?


field name:

model name:        (key.index.yes key.store.yes   )                                             ex12

image id with description and pattern:        ex_12_1  large normal 
             (key.index.yes key.store.yes)               ex12_2    large normal
                                                                                  ex12_3 samll change

这样行吗 如果还有别的表里面的数据我想索引到一起要怎么办?
table b:
pattern           description        content
normal               sdfsfaa              sfafafsfasfafew

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